Meet Adam Greenwell

A constituent member with the ministry at Volunteers of America.

The most rewarding part of being a constituent minister with Volunteers of America is “being in a ministry with people who know what it is to open the can of someone’s life and go all the way to the bottom,” says Adam, a volunteer constituent member since 2016. “It’s the most motivating thing ever because you know everyone who shows up to be served is going to be served.”

Adam came to our ministry through our moral injury program when he found it to be a productive concept in ministering to Veterans, especially those with PTSD. A retired Marine himself, Adam has experienced the effects of moral injury firsthand.

Moral injury is the internal pain we may feel when life’s experiences violate our own understanding of right and wrong. This wounding of the soul may leave us feeling emotionally broken, distrustful of others or not being able to trust our self. Though not specific to Veterans, we have found the concept to be very helpful to many who have served. In Adam’s experience, moral injury is often the missing piece in recovery, and being able to address and minister to moral injury has become an important tool as he serves his community.

As he explains, “it is easy for us to allow the things we have done to be the things that define us.” When the actions of the past are out of line with who we are or want to be, that can cause a lot of suffering. Adam has overcome that suffering by redefining himself through God’s love, and today he works with other Veterans to help them find the same peace.

A key part of his mission has been raising awareness of moral injury among both Veterans and other members of the ministry. With assistance from our Director of Ministry, Nick Angeloff, Adam has started support groups through the Veteran’s Center and begun to educate other ministers on the effects of moral injury.

As Adam has continued working with moral injury and Volunteers of America, his relationship with Nick and Mike Keller, our Senior Director of Veteran Services, has developed as well. As Adam says, “this work is hard, but it’s a lot more fun to do it with your friends.” Constituent membership means more than gaining ministry knowledge and experience; it means developing meaningful relationships that make the work feel lighter.

Ultimately, constituent membership with the Volunteers of America ministry means making a difference. “This is the pointy end of the spear,” says Adam. “If you want to put your energy into something that matters, this is the place to do it.”