Booth Hall BBQ

Brisket, BBQ sauce, and the Golden Pig.

On a lovely spring day the residents of Booth Hall gathered outside for a picnic and, more importantly, to decide the winner of the Golden Pig Award. The competitors facing off for the award were Richard, the director and Joe, the minister at Booth Hall, and by 3pm they had each cooked their brisket to perfection.

Residents lined up to sample the brisket, trying to get the competitors to reveal which they had cooked. The meats remained anonymous, however, as plates were filled with the offerings from both BBQ masters along with several sides and even a home-made BBQ sauce.

While a few residents tossed beanbags, the day was mostly filled with socializing on the warm May afternoon as staff and residents alike enjoyed the picnic.

When all was said and done, the votes were very close, but the victor was determined to be the Director of Booth Hall, Richard.

All told, it was a delicious picnic and a wonderful chance to spend some time outside as the days started to warm up. With luck, the cook-off for the Golden Pig Award will become an annual occurrence for the residents of Booth Hall.