A Veteran and His Dog

From Instability to a Happy Home

When Mark and his dog Deacon came to our office, they hadn’t eaten in a week. We got them into emergency housing, got Mark some food and, with the generous help of a local veterinarian, got Deacon a hearty meal as well.

Mark was a Veteran who had traveled from Virginia to Wyoming in search of a better life. The journey had taken nearly everything he had, and the disability payments he was receiving for his service were still being sent to his old address in Virginia. He had nothing left but Deacon.

Thankfully, Mark was able to get connected with our amazing staff here at Volunteers of America. After securing shelter and food, they set to work helping Mark achieve his other goals.

“He’s a real go-getter,” says his case manager, who has been meeting with him regularly. “He really stuck to his goals.”

They worked together to open a bank account, set up direct deposit, and get the checks that had been sent to the wrong address re-issued. With his income re-established, Mark bought a truck and got his driver’s license.

Though he and Deacon have a roof over their heads and know where their next meal will come from, Mark still comes in almost daily to visit the team.

“We became his family,” says his case manager. “That’s how it is with a lot of these Veterans—you develop a relationship and they keep coming back to visit even after they’ve gotten help and have stability.”