Moral Injury Groups


Research shows that peer to peer support is as effective or even more effective than one on one therapy for moral injury. Mainly because moral injury isn’t a clinical diagnosis to be treated – it’s a soul wound to be healed.

Our Moral Injury: Mending Wounded Souls peer to peer groups are veteran led and meet 90 minutes a week for 8-12 weeks. The group explores moral injuries through story-telling, provides a process for dealing with loss and grief, lays out a way to work through forgiveness, and then gives you a way to reconnect with faith, hope, and community because these three things seem to fade away when one experiences a moral injury.

Are you ready to take that first step or maybe the next step in your healing? No one should have to fight alone. We are here with you and so are your peers. We can help. If you’re ready to learn more about groups in your area, reach out to us by completing the form below and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

Maybe you are ready to receive peer to peer training so that you can volunteer to facilitate a Healing Wounded Souls Moral Injury Group. Two facilitators lead every group and they are equipped to provide support while the group is meeting. Facilitators receive Crisis Intervention Training, SAVE Training (suicide prevention), Moral Injury Training, Psychological First Aid Training, and Moral Injury Group Training. Facilitators commit to leading at least one group that spans 8-12 weeks.

Complete the form to volunteer or learn more about becoming a facilitator.